Know What Made Mensa Brands India's Fastest Unicorn?

Know What Made Mensa Brands India's Fastest Unicorn?

For any startup, attaining unicorn status (a $1 billion valuation) is incredibly remarkable. However, it's not an easy task. Creating a distinctive product or service, assembling a motivated team, obtaining funding, gaining clientele, and, most crucially, scaling up, are all very challenging tasks. There are some unique Indian startups, though, that make it look so simple.

Mensa Brands, based in Bengaluru, is the fastest Indian startup to become a unicorn in its first six months. a remarkable achievement! We shed light on the company's ambition for altering brands across India and becoming profitable in this intriguing endeavor in this post.

Know What Made Mensa Brands India's Fastest Unicorn?

Origin of Mensa Brands

Ananth Narayanan, the former CEO of Myntra and co-founder of the online healthcare platform Medlife, set out to create a new business in May 2021: a "house of brands." He observed that the majority of early-stage firms or startups in India's fashion and beauty industries were unable to implement the appropriate business growth plans. Many businesses failed because they were unable to market their goods, control inventory, or increase sales.

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