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How Top Democracies of the World Conduct Elections?

Understanding Electoral Procedures in Leading Democratic Nations 1. United States of America:  The Electoral College System Overview of the Electoral College System in U.S.A The  Electoral College  is a distinctive  electoral system  utilized by the United States for the selection of the  President and Vice President. Instead of a direct popular vote, voters indirectly elect these officials through electors chosen by each state. Indirect Election Process in U.S.A:    Voters in each state cast their ballots for a slate of electors pledged to a particular presidential candidate. These electors, equal in number to the state's representation in Congress, then formally cast their votes for President and Vice President. Combination of Popular Vote and Electoral Votes: Each state is allocated a certain number of electoral votes based on its representation in Congress, including both senators and representatives. The Electoral College process involves a combination of the popular vote and