
Showing posts with the label german language

The One Word Game A Psychological Device Or Just A Fun Pastime

The idea has some considerable acceptance in the  world of psychology .  The game is known as word association.  Carl Jung, a noted Swiss psychologist , stated that emotions, reactions, and verbal responses, are actually connected to each other. As a result, the game might be said to have psychological foundations. Many experts, however, concluded that the game was little more than a collection of unstructured ramblings that had no introspective effect on the players' minds. Now imagine you're visiting a friend's house with a large number of visitors. The game is then decided to be played by the host. There are much laughter, as well as amusing and filthy comments, and the party becomes more lively. You are not drinking and have decided to participate in order to fully comprehend the psychological effects. The game begins, you respond to relationships with nonsense, religion with personal, rationality with necessity, and then when you hear the word academics, you fluster an